Automate your website traffic growth for $80 USD monthly

AI powered SEO does 30 hours of hard work for your website every month automatically. Gain keyword rankings, traffic and revenue.


Rank #1 in Google with our easy to use AI powered automated SEO

Automate your SEO with our super easy to use, AI SEO service plan. It comes with simple, easy to use features that deliver very powerful results. You can setup an account in less than 5 minutes and do important tasks at your leisure.

1. Set Up

Sign up for an account and choose your AI options such as: location targeting, #hashtags, competitors, keywords, age group targets and more. Don’t worry, our team is here to set that up for you 100% if you need help.

2. Help the AI

The AI will go to work for you 24×7, doing hundreds of small tasks to boost your website. It will also tell you important tasks that need to be done for your website. DIY, hire someone, hire us or just ignore. Easy.

3. Success

You will move up in Google search results until you reach your traffic goal. The more website tasks you complete, the faster you will move up. Full ongoing support is included from our team of super nerds.

Our 5,000+ AI SEO clients are winning at business

Automate your SEO and rapidly increase your Google keyword rankings, traffic and revenue. When you use our AI SEO service, you’ll enjoy an easy to understand, automated SEO that requires just a few hours of weekly work from you to speed it along. Do as much as you can on your own schedule and get help from us when needed.

5,000+ cool entrepreneurs around the world use our AI SEO to grow their website traffic

Artificial intelligence takes the guesswork out of SEO and does hundreds of small monthly tasks for your website.
Automated SEO
You can participate as much or as little as you want without any stress.
For the Do It Yourself people, you’ll be provided with plenty of tasks to complete at your leisure. Do it yourself, hire someone or hire us.

Our AI SEO will work hard for you 24×7

30 Hours
Monthly time saved
SEO is ongoing
AI SEO clients

“The AI SEO handles a lot of important tasks for me and I keep my website up to date myself. I’m extremely happy and I highly recommend it.”

David Graham

Frequently Asked Questions

Our AI SEO works with anyone, anywhere in the world, who has a website in any language. Please note, the AI is displayed in English and our team only speaks English and we only provide customer service in English. As long as this is not a problem for you, please feel free to sign up.

The AI SEO works best with small business websites that sell a product or service. It does not work well with affiliate websites or “information only” websites.

$80 USD monthly. Cancel anytime. No long term contracts.

The AI will give you a large list of ongoing tasks to perform in cooperation with us and with the AI. This is great if you have some time and technical skill or you want to hire cheaper offshore workers. Our AI will help you as much as possible, but the better quality work you can do, the better your progress will be. Progress on this plan is greatly dependent on the quality of work you can do on your website.

We will be here to give you fast and effective ongoing support.

SEO is an ongoing process involving a lot of hard work and we make it easier

Talk to us, you’ll know if we are the right fit after one conversation.

Free Consultation